Afternoon Treats

I went to Melanie's the other day, we hung out drinking tea, eating biscuits and talking flowers; pretty much what we always do. We also took some photos and now you can see them over on The Design Files Guest Blog, cos Mel's there this week. It was a glorious afternoon and I had a lovely time. To top it off, Mel gave me some flowers!
I'm rather a fan of the curious juxtoposition of gloriously white lilac languidly draping from a common ol' mayo jar, aren't you?

I might also mention, this was my first try of the special Macro organic brand bickies found in Safeway. I was really quite surprised to find such a good wheat-free, dairy-free replacement for my old friend the Arnott's Kingston!

Friends in Creative Places #1

During my recent trip to the Isle of Man I was very excited to see the new work in progress of an old family friend, Faye.

Faye is a super talented ceramicist or potter, if you like; which I do because she is quite potty! That must be why we get along so well together. She has in the last year, set up a little studio in one of the family's unused farm buildings and with one little kiln she's whipping up a storm.

It is so inspiring to see other people making a go of their craft, it warms my little cockles! And what's even better is Faye gifted me one of her tea mugs before I came home, so I can remember to be inspired every time I drink a cup of tea ... and well, that's quite often.