Olaf Hajek

Mother Nature, 2010; Flowerhead, 2010; Welcome, 2010; Natureman 2, 2010.

It appears that I have been somewhat slow on the uptake with this one but I just discovered Olaf Hajek. Flicking through the recent "OBJECTS" journal, which my housemate kindly brought back with her from Berlin, I was mesmerised by these beautiful images. Follow the links for a magical illustrative voyage of your own while I go and pull out my painting gear ...

Textiley terrificness

One's birthday ought to last at least a month, don't you think? Apparently my loved ones think so; how lucky for me! My Mum arrived back from the UK with her very heavy luggage loaded with presents and no, they weren't all for me. There were a fair number for her good self, some for my (now 25 year old) sister and a couple for me. This amazingly inspirational book was a birthday present from my Nana.

Nature + thread + pattern + stitches+ colour + photography + fiber = Winning Combination.
Thank you Nana.

What I missed

How many times throughout my life that I have kicked myself for not getting to see an exhibition? Honestly, I have lost count. I recently glanced up at the little poster advert on my wall for the Rupert Bunny exhibition at NGV and thought to myself: "I should do that soon." Then I peered closer, it seems the aforementioned exhibition finished on the 4th July; I've done it again!
And I was so looking forward to strolling among his languidly reclining pastel beauties, reading the odd stanza from D.H.Lawrence and taking myself to tea afterwards.
The ticking crocodile has swallowed Mr Bunny.

Tripping with Tolkien

I recently came across this book "J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist & Illustrator" in my local library and was whisked away. Now, I have to admit, for someone who has relished every fae inspired, magic filled fiction read; I am not a great Tolkein fan. In fact, I'm not a fan of the Lord of the Rings at all but perusing these pages sent me into compete awe of the fantastical, otherworldly brilliance of J.R.R.Tolkien. It has also inspired me to restock my watercolour collection; await results.

Things to do on a long weekend

Enter Winter Blues
Winter Blues: "Well, how do you do?"
Lazy Day: "There's no need to be all proper with me! I know your where you've been."
Winter Blues: "Now, my dear, there's no need to be snappy"
Lazy Day: "I'll be snappy if I want to, it's my life you're dripping all over!"
Winter Blues: "Truly, I think you're being a little hasty. Patience is a virtue, you know. One shouldn't judge a book by it's ...."
Lazy Day: "Grrrahhh, don't get all high and mighty with me. I know just what you're like and you'll just keep on at me until I give in; well, I won't have it. I won't!"